Do you have wisdom teeth pain getting you down? Dr Mikhail has an extensive background in oral surgeries and often will extract wisdom teeth that require removal right here in our office. If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, we encourage you to discuss treatment options with your dentist. We have provided a guide outlining what to expect at an exam if you are having wisdom tooth pain.
To Extract Wisdom Teeth – Pros and Cons
The Exam
Dr Mikhail will want to first determine that the pain you are experiencing is in fact related to the wisdom teeth and not to an adjacent tooth or even the jaw muscle. He will do this by taking a panoramic xray to show where the teeth are in the jaw as well as to assess the neighbouring teeth. He will also complete an extra-oral examination where he will palpate the muscles in the jaw to determine if the pain is from clenching rather than being tooth related.
So You Have Wisdom Teeth, Now What?
If it is shown that the wisdom teeth are in fact the culprits, he will assess to see if there is enough room for them to erupt naturally and for the patient to be able to adequately keep them clean. He will also assess the location of the mandibular nerve in proximity to the roots of the wisdom teeth. If there is any question in regards to how close the nerve is, the patient will be sent to our local radiology clinic to have a CBCT scan.
After The CBCT Scan
With scan in our hands, Dr. Mikhail will have the necessary information to determine if the surgery can take place at our office. If the surgery will have complications related to the nerve, Dr Mikhail will refer our patient to our local Oral-Maxillofacial Specialist for treatment.
Occasionally, it is found that the wisdom teeth are erupting and do indeed have enough room to come in all the way. Sometimes, as the teeth are moving, there is a small piece of gum tissue that blocks the way and causes food entrapment. This can lead to a painful gum infection. Treatment in this case will involve an antibiotic, possible professional cleaning of the area and may include laser removal of the excess gum tissue to prevent the infection from returning.

Don’t let the pain of wisdom teeth eruption affect your day-to-day life. We are here to help! Give us a call at (705) 792-0079. We will be able to book you an exam for assessment to determine your treatment options as well as give you some advice as to how to reduce the pain or discomfort right away. We look forward to seeing you soon at Simcoe Family Dentistry!