
Doctor and Patient discussing different types of Dental Services including Dental Extractions

Types of Dental Bridges: Which is Best for Your Needs?

Whether you’ve lost a tooth due to injury or decay, replacing it can be essential for both your oral health and your confidence. Though dental bridge treatments are the most common option, they may not be the best fit for everyone. That’s why it’s important to understand the different types of dental bridges, as each has unique benefits and drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the four most popular options for repairing missing teeth.

Types Of Dental Bridges:

Traditional Dental Bridge

The traditional dental bridge treatment is the most common type of bridge used in dentistry today. It consists of two crowns that fit over your existing teeth on either side of your gap, with a false tooth in between to fill the space. Traditional bridges are typically made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramic, and they can last up to 10 years if cared for properly. However, because this type of bridge requires that you permanently alter healthy teeth, it isn’t recommended unless absolutely necessary.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

A cantilever bridge is similar to a traditional bridge in that it uses crowns to hold the false tooth in place; however, instead of having two supporting crowns on either side, there is only one crown holding up the pontic from one end. While this is often used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the gap, it puts more strain on those adjacent teeth than a traditional dental crown and bridge would—so it should be used cautiously.

Maryland Bonded Dental Bridge

Unlike other types of dental bridge treatments which use crowns placed over healthy teeth to support them, Maryland bonded bridges use metal wings which are bonded directly onto existing adjacent teeth. This makes them much less invasive than other types of bridges while still providing excellent support for your prosthetic tooth. However, they require more frequent replacement than other types as they tend not to last as long due to their reliance on bonding agents rather than more permanent cementing materials like those used in traditional and cantilever bridges.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridge                

Lastly, an implant-supported dental bridge is exactly what it sounds like—a bridge supported by an implant rather than a crown or dental adhesive material attached directly to existing teeth or gums. This type of bridge offers maximum stability and durability as well as greater aesthetic appeal since no healthy teeth need be altered in order for it to work properly. However, since dental crowns and bridges require surgery for placement, recovery times tend to be longer than with other types of bridges and costs tend to be higher due to their complexity.


When deciding which type of dental bridge is right for you, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration such as cost and time commitment versus expected long-term results. Ultimately, though different types offer different advantages depending on individual needs and preferences—making sure you understand all available options will help ensure that you make an informed decision about which one is right for you! Visit an experienced dental bridge clinic like Simcoe Family Dentistry and learn more today.