
Xylitol – A Sweetener That Fights Cavities!

Xylitol – A Sweetener That Fights Cavities!

Dental professionals everywhere have been recommending sweets to their patients – with a catch! These sugary-tasting treats made with a natural sugar substitute called xylitol, actually help to prevent cavities. By making the oral cavity an inhospitable environment for the bacteria that causes cavities. Furthermore, xylitol has been shown to help promote salivary production – which is great news for anyone who suffers from dry mouth! A few xylitol products we recommend:


Made for those with a dry mouth in mind, Xylimelts can be used at night or during the day as an inconspicuous way to increase salivary production.

Dr. John’s Healthy Sweets.

These come in lollipop or candy form and kids (of all sizes) just love them!


A high fluoride mouth rinse that fights cavities and tastes great!

Pur Gum.

For those who love to chew gum, this is a great option and readily available at your local convenience store.

We do have a caution when it comes to xylitol products – they are toxic to dogs. Please keep your cavity fighting sweets away from your pup and get prompt veterinary attention if something with xylitol is ingested by your dog. As always, we are here to help! Give us a call with any questions regarding this product (or any other dental product)! We love to help our patients find the best options for their optimal oral health!