Our teeth are our silent partners. We rely on them every day for chewing, speaking, and smiling. As we age, however, our teeth can become neglected as other health concerns take precedence. But don’t let your senior citizen dental care fall by the wayside! Read on to find out why senior dental care is so...
Caring for Your Teeth During Pregnancy
Expecting a baby is a most exciting time! Did you know there are special considerations to be made regarding your oral health during pregnancy and breast-feeding? As dental professionals, we see many conditions affecting the mouth and teeth, with pregnancy near the top of the list in relation to gums.
Your Toothbrush – Germ-free!
Your toothbrush is used multiple times daily to clean debris and bacteria away from your teeth and gums. Did you know there are things you can do to help ensure your toothbrush remains clean and germ-free? Review the following easy tips to help keep your toothbrush clean and extend it’s useful life!
Caring for Your Teeth During the Summer Months
Ahhh, the lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us! Barbeques, later nights, hot weather and throwing routine out the window! Throw in the odd extra treat (especially those sugary freeze pops) and you may be more at risk for dental related problems.
The Fight Against Covid-19: Can an Oral Rinse Help?
Dr Mikhail and the team at Simcoe Family Dentistry are big advocates for improving oral health. As such, if you have been into the office in the last few years and are at a higher risk level for getting a cavity, it is quite likely that an oral rinse called Opti-Rinse made by X-Pur was recommended to you.
Plaque vs Tartar (Calculus) – What is the Difference!?
You may have heard your dentist or dental hygienist refer to plaque, tartar or calculus on your teeth. You may have even noticed the build up yourself! The question is, what is the difference, and why does it matter which type of build up you have?
Interview with a Registered Dental Hygienist – Hollie!
Your dental hygienist is a registered health professional who specializes in oral disease prevention and treatment. You may have wondered what type of education it takes to become a hygienist, or why your hygienist chose dental hygiene as a career. We have interviewed Hollie to get some answers to these questions and more!
Charcoal Toothpaste – Good for your Grin?
Over the last few years, charcoal products have become increasingly popular in the health and wellness industry and are often promoted as a way to whiten your teeth. Chances are you have seen a recent ad on Facebook or Instagram touting the benefits of brushing with charcoal toothpaste, but are these products all they are cracked up to be?
February is Children’s Dental Health Month
What a great excuse to discuss why dental health is even especially important for children! Now is the time to set your little one up for success in dental health today as well as in the years to come. Read on to discover ways you can help to foster great oral health habits!
Xylitol – A Sweetener That Fights Cavities!
Dental professionals everywhere have been recommending sweets to their patients – with a catch! These sugary-tasting treats made with a natural sugar substitute called xylitol, actually help to prevent cavities.