According to the Canadian Dental Association, 70% of adults have some form of gum disease. This is a very sobering statistic considering what we now know regarding the presence of oral bacteria and the effect it has on our overall health.
Dental Emergencies And Sports
Dental emergencies happen in Barrie every day. Chipped or broken teeth, swelling and pain on biting are very common complaints when a patient comes into our office with a dental emergency. With the start of fall is the beginning of many sports seasons including hockey and karate.
Back To School: Healthy Lunch Choices For A Healthy Smile
It’s that time of year again! Cooler evenings, falling leaves, pumpkin spice everything and back to school! While parents (and kids!) are secretly enjoying getting back into the regular routine, there is always one worry – what do we pack for lunch?
Invisalign Clear Aligners vs “Those Smile Clubs”
If you are like many Canadians who use the computer in some way daily, you are almost sure to have seen an advertisement for a “smile club”. You may be curious about this alternative and how it compares to Invisalign – a company who has been providing clear aligner orthodontic treatment in conjunction with a qualified dentist.
Are You Up For Our Flossing Challenge?
We all know how important flossing is to not only your oral health, but your overall health. If you have forgotten, have a look right at our flossing blog! Even though we know we need to floss, our hygienists report the most common response to the question “How often are you flossing?” is “Not nearly enough!”
Back To School Contest
Contest Time! It is almost time to go Back to School! At Simcoe Family Dentistry (your favorite Barrie dentist!), we thought we would help you celebrate with a chance to win a $50 Gift Card for some back to school shopping! You have 3 chances for a ballot...
Simcoe Family Dentistry is now Offering Invisalign (Clear Aligners)!
Do you love your smile? If not, what would you change? Our team has recently completed our Invisalign training to help improve not only your smile, but the overall health of your teeth and gums. Correcting the bite is so much more than straight teeth. Creating the smile you have always wanted could actually help you to keep your teeth healthier for life!
2nd Annual Community BBQ / 1st Anniversary Celebration!
Dr Mikhail and the team at Simcoe Family Dentistry would love to welcome the Barrie Community to our 2nd Annual Community BBQ in support of the Barrie Food Bank on July 27th in our parking lot at 11 Ferris Lane! This free family event was such a great success last year that we thought we would do it again this year – but bigger and better!
Welcoming New and Existing Patients to our Practice
Are you looking for a new Dental Family? Maybe you are new to the area, or just looking for a change. Simcoe Family Dentistry is the home away from home for you! We are currently expanding our small, family oriented dental practice and accepting new patients. If you are curious about our family dentistry, anxious in the dental setting, or maybe wishing to discuss some treatment you have been putting off, we would love to meet you!
Christmas Food Drive – Giving Back to Our Community!
Please help us in our efforts at Simcoe Family Dentistry to give back to the community we live in! We are currently accepting donations to the Barrie Food Bank. For every non-perishable item you bring in, your name will be entered into our grand prize draw for a family pass to Christmas Glow Barrie, held at Bradford Greenhouses!